Fault Logging
The following information was made available by Councillor Stewart.
Included below are the best methods (at this time) of reporting common Council related issues. Remember to include the relevant reference number that you have received from Council. (Not all issues are issued with reference numbers.)
City Power (no power, intermittent power, street lights not working, meter faults) – visit www . citypower . co . za and click “Fault Logging”. Obviously you may not be able get online when there is a power failure so I suggest you register for the SMS/WAP version of the website before you need to make use of it.
Joburg Roads Agency (potholes, street signs, traffic signals etc) – send an email to hotline@jra.org.za
Revenue Queries (incorrect account’s, non-receipt of account etc) – you HAVE to call the call centre first on 011-375-5555 (Sorry). City Councillors need your fault logging reference # to take up a query for a resident. You can email statements@joburg.org.za but I suggest rather calling.
Law Enforcement (traffic violations, noise, dumping, motor vehicle accidents, vagrants causing fires in open parks etc) – call the emergency call centre on 011 375 5911